Sunday, November 6, 2011

Yuengling Black & Tan

Reviewed: November 2011
ABV: 4.7%
Brewery: Yuengling Brewery
Country: USA
Beer Type: Black & Tan
2011 Rating: B
2010 Rating: N/A

Comments:  I previously reviewed this beer back in March 2011.  Back in March, I drank a couple of bottles, as part of a case of assorted Yuengling beers.  Now that Yuengling is available in Cincinnati, I had a couple of "drafts" at "Olive's" in Clifton. My impression in mostly unchanged  (changes highlighted in RED).  Dark brown color, 1 finger tan head, no lacing.   Chocolate, caramel & coffee malt aroma.  Mild & easy to drink- sweet chocolate caramel & coffee malt taste throughout- bitter finish.

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