Reviewed: September 2012
ABV: 5.8%
Brewery: Bayerische Staatsbrauerei Weihenstephan
Country: Germany
Beer Type: Märzen
2012 Rating: B+
2011 Rating: N/A
Comments: Typical of a German Märzen, this bier pours a light golden color with a 2 finger fluffy white head, not much lacing. Toasted malt aroma. Sweet biscuit malt taste with citrus hops in the background. Smooth, crisp & balanced - easy to drink. A nice "German style Märzen.
Sunday, September 30, 2012
Saturday, September 29, 2012
Leinenkugel's Oktoberfest
Reviewed: September 2012
ABV: 5.1%
Brewery: Jacob Leinenkugel Brewing Co.
Country: USA
Beer Type: Märzen
2012 Rating: C+
2011 Rating: C+
Comments: Beautiful amber / orange color with a 1 finger tan head, nice lacing. Aroma is biscuit / bread & caramel malts. Taste is just like the aroma; biscuit / bread & caramel malts.
ABV: 5.1%
Brewery: Jacob Leinenkugel Brewing Co.
Country: USA
Beer Type: Märzen
2012 Rating: C+
2011 Rating: C+
Comments: Beautiful amber / orange color with a 1 finger tan head, nice lacing. Aroma is biscuit / bread & caramel malts. Taste is just like the aroma; biscuit / bread & caramel malts.
Thursday, September 27, 2012
Rivertown Pumpkin Ale
Reviewed: September 2012
ABV: 5%
Brewery: Rivertown Brewing Co.
Country: USA
Beer Type:
2012 Rating: C+
2011 Rating: N/A
Comments: Pours a copper color. Cinnamon, nutmeg & pumpkin, aroma. Mild pumpkin, cinnamon & nutmeg taste. A decent pumkin ale…but others are better.
ABV: 5%
Brewery: Rivertown Brewing Co.
Country: USA
Beer Type:
2012 Rating: C+
2011 Rating: N/A
Comments: Pours a copper color. Cinnamon, nutmeg & pumpkin, aroma. Mild pumpkin, cinnamon & nutmeg taste. A decent pumkin ale…but others are better.
1810 Prince Ludwig
Reviewed: September 2012
ABV: 6%
Brewery: Hofbräuhaus
Country: Germany & USA
Beer Type: Vienna Lager
2012 Rating: B
2011 Rating: N/A
Comments: Pours a amber color with a 2 finger head (My photo is off, I don't know if I picked up a reflection from the table, but trust me the beer had an amber color). Taste is fuller with a more malty character than Hofbräu Lager, nice hop finish. According to the Hofbräuhaus, this is the recipe of the original beer that was brewed to celebrate the wedding of Prince Ludwig.
ABV: 6%
Brewery: Hofbräuhaus
Country: Germany & USA
Beer Type: Vienna Lager
2012 Rating: B
2011 Rating: N/A
Comments: Pours a amber color with a 2 finger head (My photo is off, I don't know if I picked up a reflection from the table, but trust me the beer had an amber color). Taste is fuller with a more malty character than Hofbräu Lager, nice hop finish. According to the Hofbräuhaus, this is the recipe of the original beer that was brewed to celebrate the wedding of Prince Ludwig.
Hofbräu Oktoberfestbier
Reviewed: September 2012
ABV: 6.3
Brewery: Hofbräuhaus
Country: Germany
Beer Type: Märzen Oktoberfest
2012 Rating: B+
2011 Rating: B
Comments: This is the real stuff - imported from Munich, not brewed in Newport. Clear golden color, 2 inch white head, decent lacing. Nice malt aroma. Taste: similar to the HB Lager - smoother - malt, spice & a crisp hop finish.
ABV: 6.3
Brewery: Hofbräuhaus
Country: Germany
Beer Type: Märzen Oktoberfest
2012 Rating: B+
2011 Rating: B
Comments: This is the real stuff - imported from Munich, not brewed in Newport. Clear golden color, 2 inch white head, decent lacing. Nice malt aroma. Taste: similar to the HB Lager - smoother - malt, spice & a crisp hop finish.
Sunday, September 23, 2012
Erdinger Oktoberfest Weissbräu
Reviewed: September 2012
ABV: 5.7%
Brewery: Erdinger Weissbräu
Country: Germany
Beer Type: Weissbier
2012 Rating: B & I
2011 Rating: B & I
Comments: This is not what you would expect of an Oktoberfest beer. This is an Oktoberfest Hefeweisen. Pours a cloudy golden yellow color with a fluffy white 2 finger head. Aroma is spice, clove and banana. Definitely a switch from the normal Märzen style Oktoberfest bier.
ABV: 5.7%
Brewery: Erdinger Weissbräu
Country: Germany
Beer Type: Weissbier
2012 Rating: B & I
2011 Rating: B & I
Comments: This is not what you would expect of an Oktoberfest beer. This is an Oktoberfest Hefeweisen. Pours a cloudy golden yellow color with a fluffy white 2 finger head. Aroma is spice, clove and banana. Definitely a switch from the normal Märzen style Oktoberfest bier.
Rivertown Oktoberfest
Reviewed: September 2012
ABV: 6.7%
Brewery: Rivertown Brewing Co.
Country: USA
Beer Type: Märzen
2012 Rating: B
2011 Rating: N/A
Comments: Pours an amber color with a 1 finger white head. Bread malt, caramel & spice taste. Very flavorful
ABV: 6.7%
Brewery: Rivertown Brewing Co.
Country: USA
Beer Type: Märzen
2012 Rating: B
2011 Rating: N/A
Comments: Pours an amber color with a 1 finger white head. Bread malt, caramel & spice taste. Very flavorful
Saturday, September 22, 2012
Brooklyn Gold Standard Export Kellerbier
Reviewed: September 2012
ABV: 6.2%
Brewery: Brooklyn Brewery
Country: USA
Beer Type: Kellerbier
2012 Rating: C
2011 Rating: N/A
Comments: Pours a hazy pale yellow color with a 1 finger white head. Aroma; not much - malts & grain? Mild malt, hop and grain taste. Just average. I'm probably being unfair…this is a summertime beer, supposedly only available from May thru July, but Moerlein Lager House was still serving it on September 21st. I will try it again next summer
ABV: 6.2%
Brewery: Brooklyn Brewery
Country: USA
Beer Type: Kellerbier
2012 Rating: C
2011 Rating: N/A
Comments: Pours a hazy pale yellow color with a 1 finger white head. Aroma; not much - malts & grain? Mild malt, hop and grain taste. Just average. I'm probably being unfair…this is a summertime beer, supposedly only available from May thru July, but Moerlein Lager House was still serving it on September 21st. I will try it again next summer
Thursday, September 20, 2012
Terrapin Hop-Karma Brown IPA
Reviewed: September 2012
ABV: 6%
Brewery: Terrapin Beer Co.
Country: USA
Beer Type: Brown India Pale Ale
2012 Rating: A
2011 Rating: N/A
Comments: Excellent & Unique! Pours a dark brown color with a 2 finger tan head, nice lacing. Roasted caramel malt aroma. Smooth creamy toasted malt offset with bitter pine hops . A great blend of two styles of beer. Peace love and hoppiness.
ABV: 6%
Brewery: Terrapin Beer Co.
Country: USA
Beer Type: Brown India Pale Ale
2012 Rating: A
2011 Rating: N/A
Comments: Excellent & Unique! Pours a dark brown color with a 2 finger tan head, nice lacing. Roasted caramel malt aroma. Smooth creamy toasted malt offset with bitter pine hops . A great blend of two styles of beer. Peace love and hoppiness.
Newcastle Werewolf
Southern Tier Harvest Ale
Reviewed: September 2012
ABV: 6.7%
Brewery: Southern Tier Brewing Co.
Country: USA
Beer Type: Extra Special Bitter (ESB)
2012 Rating: B
2011 Rating: N/A
Comments: Pours a clear copper color with a 1 finger white head, minimal lacing. Nice hop aroma. Primarily a citrus hop & spice taste, with malt sweetness in the background (malt taste becomes more pronounced as the beer warms…nice and hoppy.
ABV: 6.7%
Brewery: Southern Tier Brewing Co.
Country: USA
Beer Type: Extra Special Bitter (ESB)
2012 Rating: B
2011 Rating: N/A
Comments: Pours a clear copper color with a 1 finger white head, minimal lacing. Nice hop aroma. Primarily a citrus hop & spice taste, with malt sweetness in the background (malt taste becomes more pronounced as the beer warms…nice and hoppy.
Sunday, September 16, 2012
Goose Island Harvest Ale
Reviewed: September 2012
ABV: Goose Island Beer Co.
Country: USA
Beer Type: American Extra Special Bitter (ESB)
2012 Rating: A
2011 Rating: A
Comments: Color of autumn leaves (copper), two finger creamy head, great lacing. Biscuit malt and a slight citrus hop aroma. Taste: toasty malt & caramel with a slight bitter hop finish. EXCELLENT
ABV: Goose Island Beer Co.
Country: USA
Beer Type: American Extra Special Bitter (ESB)
2012 Rating: A
2011 Rating: A
Comments: Color of autumn leaves (copper), two finger creamy head, great lacing. Biscuit malt and a slight citrus hop aroma. Taste: toasty malt & caramel with a slight bitter hop finish. EXCELLENT
Thursday, September 13, 2012
Cottonwood ENDO India Pale Ale
Reviewed: September 2012
ABV: 6%
Brewery: Foothills Brewing
Country: USA
Beer Type: American IPA
2012 Rating: B
2011 Rating: N/A
Comments: Pours a golden-orange color with a 1 finger white head, no lacing. Nice citrus / grapefruit hop aroma. Citrus hop taste, but not a hop bomb. A decent IPA
ABV: 6%
Brewery: Foothills Brewing
Country: USA
Beer Type: American IPA
2012 Rating: B
2011 Rating: N/A
Comments: Pours a golden-orange color with a 1 finger white head, no lacing. Nice citrus / grapefruit hop aroma. Citrus hop taste, but not a hop bomb. A decent IPA
Yuengling Oktoberfest
Reviewed: September 2012
Brewery: Yuengling Brewery
Country: USA
Beer Type: Märzen
2012 Rating: C+
2011 Rating: N/A
Comments: Pours a clear amber color with a 1 finger tan head, no lacing. Sweet malt aroma. Sweet malt and grain taste with a clean finish.
Brewery: Yuengling Brewery
Country: USA
Beer Type: Märzen
2012 Rating: C+
2011 Rating: N/A
Comments: Pours a clear amber color with a 1 finger tan head, no lacing. Sweet malt aroma. Sweet malt and grain taste with a clean finish.
Wednesday, September 12, 2012
Kostritzer Schwarzbier
Reviewed: September 2012
ABV: 4.8%
Brewery: Köstritzer Schwarzbierbrauerei GmbH & Co.
Country: Germany
Beer Type: Schwarzbier (Black Beer)
2012 Rating: B+
2011 Rating: B+
Comments: Very dark, almost black color, with a 1 finger tan head. Roasted malt, chocolate & coffee aroma. Taste is smooth & creamy -hints of chocolate & coffee.
ABV: 4.8%
Brewery: Köstritzer Schwarzbierbrauerei GmbH & Co.
Country: Germany
Beer Type: Schwarzbier (Black Beer)
2012 Rating: B+
2011 Rating: B+

Paulaner Oktoberfest-Märzen
Reviewed: September 2012
ABV: 5.8%
Brewery: Paulaner Salvator Thomasbraeu AG
Country: Germany
Beer Type: Märzen
2012 Rating: B
2011 Rating: C+
Comments: Amber color with a foamy 2" head. Smells of malted barley, caramel & toffee. Tastes smooth & drinkable - sweet malt taste with a slight hop balance!
ABV: 5.8%
Brewery: Paulaner Salvator Thomasbraeu AG
Country: Germany
Beer Type: Märzen
2012 Rating: B
2011 Rating: C+
Comments: Amber color with a foamy 2" head. Smells of malted barley, caramel & toffee. Tastes smooth & drinkable - sweet malt taste with a slight hop balance!
Sunday, September 9, 2012
Schlafly Oktoberfest Beer
Reviewed: September 2012
ABV: 5.1%
Brewery: The St. Louis Brewery
Country: USA
Beer Type: Märzen
2012 Rating: B
2011 Rating: B
Comments: Pours a deep amber color with a 2 finger tan head - nice lacing. Like most Märzen, this beer has a sweet caramel malt aroma. Starts with a sweet malt taste followed by a nice hop bitterness. Very balanced. Not overly sweet.
ABV: 5.1%
Brewery: The St. Louis Brewery
Country: USA
Beer Type: Märzen
2012 Rating: B
2011 Rating: B
Comments: Pours a deep amber color with a 2 finger tan head - nice lacing. Like most Märzen, this beer has a sweet caramel malt aroma. Starts with a sweet malt taste followed by a nice hop bitterness. Very balanced. Not overly sweet.
Yuengling Black & Tan
ABV: 4.7%
Brewery: Yuengling Brewery
Country: USA
Beer Type: Black & Tan
2012 Rating: C+
2011 Rating: B
Comments: Dark brown color, 1 finger tan head, no lacing. Chocolate, caramel & roasted malt aroma. Mild - sweet chocolate caramel & roasted malt taste throughout- slightly bitter finish. Easy to drink all night :)
Saturday, September 8, 2012
Miller High Life, The Champagne of Beers
Correction! Tad correctly noted that Miller High Life is The Champagne of Beers. Too be honest... I thought the original slogan was "The Champagne of Bottle Beer".
But according to Wikipedia; "The prevailing slogan on current packaging is "The Champagne of Beers", an adaptation of its long standing slogan "The Champagne of Bottle Beers".
I have been misquoting the original slogan since 1969 :)
Reviewed: September 2012
ABV: 5%
Brewery: Miller Brewing Co.
Country: USA
Beer Type: American Lager
2012 Rating: C-
2011 Rating: C
Comments: My favorite beer @ age 17. I remember buying this beer @ Airy Pony Keg with Charlie Speicher's draft card ID. Still a great beer for underage drinkers!
But according to Wikipedia; "The prevailing slogan on current packaging is "The Champagne of Beers", an adaptation of its long standing slogan "The Champagne of Bottle Beers".
I have been misquoting the original slogan since 1969 :)
Reviewed: September 2012
ABV: 5%
Brewery: Miller Brewing Co.
Country: USA
Beer Type: American Lager
2012 Rating: C-
2011 Rating: C
Comments: My favorite beer @ age 17. I remember buying this beer @ Airy Pony Keg with Charlie Speicher's draft card ID. Still a great beer for underage drinkers!
Christian Moerlein Fifth & Vine Oktoberfest
Reviewed: September 2012
ABV: 5.7%
Brewery: Christian Moerlein Brewing Co.
Country: USA
Beer Type: Märzen
2012 Rating: A
2011 Rating: B
Comments: Clear copper color. Great off white head & good lacing. A bread -toasted malt & caramel aroma. The taste is similar to the aroma; bread-biscuit malt & caramel, with a slight hop finish. Well balanced and easy to drink. One of my favorite Oktoberfest beers!
ABV: 5.7%
Brewery: Christian Moerlein Brewing Co.
Country: USA
Beer Type: Märzen
2012 Rating: A
2011 Rating: B
Comments: Clear copper color. Great off white head & good lacing. A bread -toasted malt & caramel aroma. The taste is similar to the aroma; bread-biscuit malt & caramel, with a slight hop finish. Well balanced and easy to drink. One of my favorite Oktoberfest beers!
Brooklyn Oktoberfest
Reviewed: September 2012
ABV: 5.5%
Brewery: Brooklyn Brewery
Country: USA
Beer Type: Märzen
2012 Rating: A
2011 Rating: A
Comments: Pours a clear deep copper color, nice 2 finger off white head. Aroma is sweet caramel malt, some spice. Taste is sweet bread & caramel malt, some spice & a nut taste at the end. An excellent Märzen!
Tuesday, September 4, 2012
SweetWater IPA
Reviewed: September 2012
ABV: 6.3%
Brewery: SweetWater Brewing Co.
Country: USA
Beer Type: India Pale Ale
2012 Rating: A
2011 Rating: B+
Comments: Pours a nice hazy orange color, with a 2 finger white head & nice lacing. Grapefruit hop aroma and taste, with a slight malt sweetness in the background Another great IPA. As the label states: "This mammoth IPA is dry hopped to the gills, delivering a Kick-You-In-The-Teeth-Hop-Chop."
ABV: 6.3%
Brewery: SweetWater Brewing Co.
Country: USA
Beer Type: India Pale Ale
2012 Rating: A
2011 Rating: B+
Comments: Pours a nice hazy orange color, with a 2 finger white head & nice lacing. Grapefruit hop aroma and taste, with a slight malt sweetness in the background Another great IPA. As the label states: "This mammoth IPA is dry hopped to the gills, delivering a Kick-You-In-The-Teeth-Hop-Chop."
Monday, September 3, 2012
Steve's American IPA
Brewery: Steve's Homebrew
Country: USA
Beer Type: American IPA
2012 Rating: B
2011 Rating: N/A
Redhook Pilsner
Reviewed: September 2012
ABV: 5.3%
Brewery: Redhook Brewery
Country: USA
Beer Type: Pilsner
2012 Rating: B
2011 Rating: N/A
Comments: Pours a clear golden color, with a small head & no lacing. Again…not much aroma. Taste is a mild bend of malt & hops - uneventful. Pilsner Urquell beats Redhook - no contest!
ABV: 5.3%
Brewery: Redhook Brewery
Country: USA
Beer Type: Pilsner
2012 Rating: B
2011 Rating: N/A
Comments: Pours a clear golden color, with a small head & no lacing. Again…not much aroma. Taste is a mild bend of malt & hops - uneventful. Pilsner Urquell beats Redhook - no contest!
Pilsner Urquell
Reviewed: September 2012
ABV: 4.7%
Brewery: Plzensky Prazdroj, a. s.
Country: Czech Republic
Beer Type: Pilsner
2012 Rating: A
2011 Rating: A
Comments: The ORIGINAL Pilsner from Pilsen, Czech Republic…how can it get any better than this. Clear golden color with a 1 finger white head, great lacing.. Aroma - not much. Crisp hop, grain & malt taste- smooth & well balanced.
ABV: 4.7%
Brewery: Plzensky Prazdroj, a. s.
Country: Czech Republic
Beer Type: Pilsner
2012 Rating: A
2011 Rating: A
Comments: The ORIGINAL Pilsner from Pilsen, Czech Republic…how can it get any better than this. Clear golden color with a 1 finger white head, great lacing.. Aroma - not much. Crisp hop, grain & malt taste- smooth & well balanced.
Sunday, September 2, 2012
Red Hoptober
Reviewed: September 2012
ABV: 6%
Brewery: New Belgium Brewing Inc.
Country: USA
Beer Type: Amber Ale
2012 Rating: B
2011 Rating: N/A
Comments: Dark red color with a 2 finger white head, nice lacing. Roasted malt & pine hop aroma. Roasted malt, caramel & pine-citrus hop taste. Not your typical fall brew.
ABV: 6%
Brewery: New Belgium Brewing Inc.
Country: USA
Beer Type: Amber Ale
2012 Rating: B
2011 Rating: N/A
Comments: Dark red color with a 2 finger white head, nice lacing. Roasted malt & pine hop aroma. Roasted malt, caramel & pine-citrus hop taste. Not your typical fall brew.
Great Lakes Oktoberfest
Reviewed: September 2012
ABV: 6.5%
Brewery: Great Lakes Brewing Co.
Country: USA
Beer Type: Märzen
2012 Rating: B+
2011 Rating: A
Comments: Copper color with a 1 finger off white head, nice lacing. As with most Märzen, you could smell the malt. Taste: caramel malts offset by a slight hop bitterness -start to finish - well balanced.
ABV: 6.5%
Brewery: Great Lakes Brewing Co.
Country: USA
Beer Type: Märzen
2012 Rating: B+
2011 Rating: A
Comments: Copper color with a 1 finger off white head, nice lacing. As with most Märzen, you could smell the malt. Taste: caramel malts offset by a slight hop bitterness -start to finish - well balanced.
Saturday, September 1, 2012
Great Lakes Dortmunder Gold
Reviewed: September 2012
ABV: 5.8%
Brewery: Great Lakes Brewing Co.
Country: USA
Beer Type: Dortmunder Lager
2012 Rating: A
2011 Rating: N/A
Comments: Copper / gold color, off white head, decent lacing.. Great balance of malts & hops - bitter & sweetness. You could drink this beer all night.
ABV: 5.8%
Brewery: Great Lakes Brewing Co.
Country: USA
Beer Type: Dortmunder Lager
2012 Rating: A
2011 Rating: N/A
Comments: Copper / gold color, off white head, decent lacing.. Great balance of malts & hops - bitter & sweetness. You could drink this beer all night.
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