Reviewed: May 2012
ABV: 4.2%
Brewery: Four Horsemen Brewing Co.
Country: USA
Beer Type:
2012 Rating: F
2011 Rating: N/A
Comments: Pours an amber color with a 1/4" head. Like their Pale Ale, this beer tastes thin, watery & FLAT. Just dump it.
Wednesday, May 30, 2012
Monday, May 28, 2012
Shift Pale Lager
Reviewed: May 2012
ABV: 5%
Brewery: New Belgium Brewing Inc.
Country: USA
Beer Type: American Pale Lager
2012 Rating: B
2011 Rating: N/A
Comments: First beer I drank served in a can in some time... I thought it was a Red Bull :) Beautiful golden color with a fantastic 2 finger fluffy white head- great lacing. Nice pilsner type citrus hop & grass aroma. Crisp citrus hop flavor with some malt sweetness in the background, Smooth & easy to drink, I will buy Shift again...even though it is in a can :)
ABV: 5%
Brewery: New Belgium Brewing Inc.
Country: USA
Beer Type: American Pale Lager
2012 Rating: B
2011 Rating: N/A
Comments: First beer I drank served in a can in some time... I thought it was a Red Bull :) Beautiful golden color with a fantastic 2 finger fluffy white head- great lacing. Nice pilsner type citrus hop & grass aroma. Crisp citrus hop flavor with some malt sweetness in the background, Smooth & easy to drink, I will buy Shift again...even though it is in a can :)
Four Horsemen Pale Ale
Reviewed: May 2012
ABV: 4.8%
Brewery: Four Horsemen Brewing Co.
Country: USA
Beer Type: American Pale Ale
2012 Rating: D
2011 Rating: N/A
Comments: Pours a nice hazy golden orange color with a 1/2" white head that disappears immediately . (before I could take the photo). Nice hop aroma. Both bottles that I drank were flat - NO carbonation. Might be a good beer, if they get their bottling process under control.
ABV: 4.8%
Brewery: Four Horsemen Brewing Co.
Country: USA
Beer Type: American Pale Ale
2012 Rating: D
2011 Rating: N/A
Comments: Pours a nice hazy golden orange color with a 1/2" white head that disappears immediately . (before I could take the photo). Nice hop aroma. Both bottles that I drank were flat - NO carbonation. Might be a good beer, if they get their bottling process under control.
Saturday, May 26, 2012
Ranger IPA
Reviewed: May 2012
ABV: 6.5%
Brewery: New Belgium Brewing Inc.
Country: USA
Beer Type: IPA
2012 Rating: A+
2011 Rating: A+
Comments: Clear golden color, 2 finger white head - great lacing. Strong hop aroma. Great hop flavor start-middle-end. It doesn't get any better than Ranger IPA!!!
ABV: 6.5%
Brewery: New Belgium Brewing Inc.
Country: USA
Beer Type: IPA
2012 Rating: A+
2011 Rating: A+
Comments: Clear golden color, 2 finger white head - great lacing. Strong hop aroma. Great hop flavor start-middle-end. It doesn't get any better than Ranger IPA!!!
Oberon Ale
Reviewed: May 2012
ABV: 5.8%
Brewery: Bells Brewery, Inc.
Country: USA
Beer Type: American Wheat Ale
2012 Rating: AAA
2011 Rating: AAA
Comments: I love their slogan: "Goodbye rain, clouds - or snow Hello, suntan lotion This beer says one thing quite loudly & quite clearly. Summer is here!" Hazy golden/ orange color , white 2 finger head, nice lacing. Wheat, clove & orange aroma. Hops, citrus & sweet wheat taste. Excellent!
ABV: 5.8%
Brewery: Bells Brewery, Inc.
Country: USA
Beer Type: American Wheat Ale
2012 Rating: AAA
2011 Rating: AAA
Comments: I love their slogan: "Goodbye rain, clouds - or snow Hello, suntan lotion This beer says one thing quite loudly & quite clearly. Summer is here!" Hazy golden/ orange color , white 2 finger head, nice lacing. Wheat, clove & orange aroma. Hops, citrus & sweet wheat taste. Excellent!
Thursday, May 24, 2012
Rolling Rock Extra Pale
Reviewed: May 2012
ABV: 4.6%
Brewery: Latrobe Brewing Co.
Country: USA
Beer Type: American Style Lager
2012 Rating: D
2011 Rating: N/A
Comments: Look closely at the label… Latrobe Brewing Co., St. Louis, MO. It makes me sick! 33 :)
ABV: 4.6%
Brewery: Latrobe Brewing Co.
Country: USA
Beer Type: American Style Lager
2012 Rating: D
2011 Rating: N/A
Comments: Look closely at the label… Latrobe Brewing Co., St. Louis, MO. It makes me sick! 33 :)
1554 Enlightened Black Ale
Reviewed: May 2012
ABV: 5.6%
Brewery: New Belgium Brewing Inc.
Country: USA
Beer Type: Belgium Dark Ale
2012 Rating: B+
2011 Rating: N/A
Comments: Deep brown color, 2 finger cream color head. Aroma - roasted malt & chocolate. Roasted malt, fruit, dark chocolate & coffee taste-dry finish. Very Good!
ABV: 5.6%
Brewery: New Belgium Brewing Inc.
Country: USA
Beer Type: Belgium Dark Ale
2012 Rating: B+
2011 Rating: N/A
Comments: Deep brown color, 2 finger cream color head. Aroma - roasted malt & chocolate. Roasted malt, fruit, dark chocolate & coffee taste-dry finish. Very Good!
Monday, May 21, 2012
Bob's your Uncle
Reviewed: May 2012
ABV: 4.8%
Brewery: Round Barn Brewery
Country: USA
Beer Type: ESB Extra Special Bitter
2012 Rating: B
2011 Rating: N/A
Comments: Pours a beautiful hazy amber red color with a small off white head that disappears quickly - no lacing. Nice caramel malt aroma. Taste is toasted caramel malt with some hop bitterness. A good British style Bitter. Easy to drink!
ABV: 4.8%
Brewery: Round Barn Brewery
Country: USA
Beer Type: ESB Extra Special Bitter
2012 Rating: B
2011 Rating: N/A
Comments: Pours a beautiful hazy amber red color with a small off white head that disappears quickly - no lacing. Nice caramel malt aroma. Taste is toasted caramel malt with some hop bitterness. A good British style Bitter. Easy to drink!
Shiner Ruby Redbird
Reviewed: May 2012
ABV: 4.2%
Country: USA
Beer Type: Fruit Beer (Lager)
2012 Rating: C & I
2011 Rating: N/A
Comments: Pours a hazy red -orange color, no noticeable head. Citrus aroma. I blew this review. Strong grapefruit taste (I first pegged it as lemon, but as I drank it, I realized it is GRAPEFRUIT). I also could not identify the second taste. Shiner's website says it is ginger. INTERESTING
ABV: 4.2%
Country: USA
Beer Type: Fruit Beer (Lager)
2012 Rating: C & I
2011 Rating: N/A
Comments: Pours a hazy red -orange color, no noticeable head. Citrus aroma. I blew this review. Strong grapefruit taste (I first pegged it as lemon, but as I drank it, I realized it is GRAPEFRUIT). I also could not identify the second taste. Shiner's website says it is ginger. INTERESTING
Sunday, May 20, 2012
Brooklyn Dry Irish Stout
Reviewed: May 2012
ABV: 4.2%
Brewery: Brooklyn Brewery
Country: USA
Beer Type: Irish Stout
2012 Rating: B
2011 Rating: N/A
Comments: Pours a deep brown color with an nice 2 finger creamy head. Slight coffee & roasted malt aroma. Tastes like the aroma; coffee & caramel roasted malts.
ABV: 4.2%
Brewery: Brooklyn Brewery
Country: USA
Beer Type: Irish Stout
2012 Rating: B
2011 Rating: N/A
Comments: Pours a deep brown color with an nice 2 finger creamy head. Slight coffee & roasted malt aroma. Tastes like the aroma; coffee & caramel roasted malts.
Thursday, May 17, 2012
Schlafly Helles Style Summer Lager
Reviewed: May 2012
ABV: 4.5%
Brewery: The St. Louis Brewery
Country: USA
Beer Type: Munich Helles Lager
2012 Rating: C
2011 Rating: N/A
2010 Rating: D
Comments: Pours a CLEAR (so clear you can see the reflection of the table & plant in the beer in my photo) light straw yellow color, nice 2 finger head that disappeared immediately, decent lacing. Slight malt & grain aroma. Primarily a toasted malt taste with a little hops in the background. A light, smooth summer beer. Not my favorite style.
ABV: 4.5%
Brewery: The St. Louis Brewery
Country: USA
Beer Type: Munich Helles Lager
2012 Rating: C
2011 Rating: N/A
2010 Rating: D
Comments: Pours a CLEAR (so clear you can see the reflection of the table & plant in the beer in my photo) light straw yellow color, nice 2 finger head that disappeared immediately, decent lacing. Slight malt & grain aroma. Primarily a toasted malt taste with a little hops in the background. A light, smooth summer beer. Not my favorite style.
Sunday, May 13, 2012
Red's Rye PA
Reviewed: May 2012
ABV: 6.6%
Brewery: Founders Brewing Co.
Country: USA
Beer Type: Rye Pale Ale
2012 Rating: A
2011 Rating: N/A
Comments: Pours a beautiful copper, red. 1 finger tan head. Grapefruit hop & spice aroma. Tastes like an IPA citrus hops & a caramel rye malt finish. EXCELLENT!
ABV: 6.6%
Brewery: Founders Brewing Co.
Country: USA
Beer Type: Rye Pale Ale
2012 Rating: A
2011 Rating: N/A
Comments: Pours a beautiful copper, red. 1 finger tan head. Grapefruit hop & spice aroma. Tastes like an IPA citrus hops & a caramel rye malt finish. EXCELLENT!
Reissdorf Kölsch
Reviewed: May 2012
ABV: 4.8%
Brewery: Brauerei Heinrich Reissdorf
Country: Germany
Beer Type: Kölsch
2012 Rating: B+
2011 Rating: B+
Comments: Clear golden yellow color, with a great white head. Nice sweet malt & slight hop aroma. Taste is crisp, light, refreshing with a slight hint of fruit - great summertime beer. Reissdorf remains my favorite Kölsch style beer.
ABV: 4.8%
Brewery: Brauerei Heinrich Reissdorf
Country: Germany
Beer Type: Kölsch
2012 Rating: B+
2011 Rating: B+
Comments: Clear golden yellow color, with a great white head. Nice sweet malt & slight hop aroma. Taste is crisp, light, refreshing with a slight hint of fruit - great summertime beer. Reissdorf remains my favorite Kölsch style beer.
Sawtooth Ale
Reviewed: May 2012
ABV: 5.3%
Brewery: Left Hand Brewing Co.
Country: USA
Beer Type:
2012 Rating: B+
2011 Rating: B+
Comments: Sorry , I took a sip of this brew before I remembered to take a photo (I grabbed a second photo of the Internet). Amber color with a one finger white head. Light bready malt aroma. Smooth malt taste - you could drink this beer all nite! Great Extra Special Bitter beer.
Brooklyn Pennant Ale '55
Reviewed: May 2012
ABV: 5%
Brewery: Brooklyn Brewery
Country: USA
Beer Type: English Pale Ale
2012 Rating: B+ & I
2011 Rating: B & I
Comments: I will stick with my 2011 comments, but I did ratchet the rating up slightly. "Pours a copper color with a 2 finger off white head, no lacing. Aroma: toasted malt & a little caramel. Taste: Strong bread & toasted malt flavor. I also tasted caramel. Taste ends with a slight hop bitterness. I love this beer." Mike did not like this brew last year & didn't like it this year either. Pennant Ale 55 is a unique English Pale Ale!
ABV: 5%
Brewery: Brooklyn Brewery
Country: USA
Beer Type: English Pale Ale
2012 Rating: B+ & I
2011 Rating: B & I
Comments: I will stick with my 2011 comments, but I did ratchet the rating up slightly. "Pours a copper color with a 2 finger off white head, no lacing. Aroma: toasted malt & a little caramel. Taste: Strong bread & toasted malt flavor. I also tasted caramel. Taste ends with a slight hop bitterness. I love this beer." Mike did not like this brew last year & didn't like it this year either. Pennant Ale 55 is a unique English Pale Ale!
Hofbrau Hefe Weisse Dunkel
Reviewed: May 2012
Brewery: Staatliches Hofbräuhaus (Hofbräu München)
Country: Germany
Beer Type: Dunkelweizen
2012 Rating: B
2011 Rating: N/A
Comments: I realize that this beer looks "bad" in my photo, but it actually tasted great. Pours a cloudy chocolate brown color with a thin white head. Typical Hefeweisen aroma; wheat, malt & clove. Taste is similar to the aroma, wheat, malt, & spice, and a little banana. Easy to drink - a nice Dunkeweisen.
Brewery: Staatliches Hofbräuhaus (Hofbräu München)
Country: Germany
Beer Type: Dunkelweizen
2012 Rating: B
2011 Rating: N/A
Comments: I realize that this beer looks "bad" in my photo, but it actually tasted great. Pours a cloudy chocolate brown color with a thin white head. Typical Hefeweisen aroma; wheat, malt & clove. Taste is similar to the aroma, wheat, malt, & spice, and a little banana. Easy to drink - a nice Dunkeweisen.
Monday, May 7, 2012
Stiegl Goldbräu Premium Lager
Reviewed: May 2012
ABV: 4.9%
Brewery: Stieglbrauerei zu Salzburg GmbH
Country: Austria
Beer Type: Lager
2012 Rating: C+
2011 Rating: N/A
Comments:Pours a nice golden color with a 2 finger white head, no lacing. Not much aroma. Sweet malt taste with a some hops & grain in the background. Easy to drink on a warm May evening.
ABV: 4.9%
Brewery: Stieglbrauerei zu Salzburg GmbH
Country: Austria
Beer Type: Lager
2012 Rating: C+
2011 Rating: N/A
Comments:Pours a nice golden color with a 2 finger white head, no lacing. Not much aroma. Sweet malt taste with a some hops & grain in the background. Easy to drink on a warm May evening.
Saturday, May 5, 2012
Dos Equis XX Special Lager
Corona Extra

ABV: 4.6%
Brewery: Grupo Modelo S.A. de C.V.
Country: Mexico
Beer Type: American Lager
2012 Rating: C
2011 Rating: C
Comments: Happy Cinco de Mayo. Drank this beer, like a Mexican - NO LIME! The tradition of drinking Corona with a lime, was started in the USA to hide the skunky taste - beers in clear bottles do not age well.
Leinenkugals Sunset Wheat
Reviewed: May 2012
ABV: 4.9%
Brewery: Jacob Leinenkugel Brewing Co.
Country: USA
Beer Type: American Wheat Ale
2012 Rating: B
2011 Rating: B
Comments: Pours a cloudy golden orange color, with a nice 1 finger white head , some lacing. Aroma & Taste - wheat & orange (no need to add an orange slice). Smooth & easy to drink.
ABV: 4.9%
Brewery: Jacob Leinenkugel Brewing Co.
Country: USA
Beer Type: American Wheat Ale
2012 Rating: B
2011 Rating: B
Comments: Pours a cloudy golden orange color, with a nice 1 finger white head , some lacing. Aroma & Taste - wheat & orange (no need to add an orange slice). Smooth & easy to drink.
Cabana Red Ale
Reviewed: May 2012
ABV: n/a
Brewery: InBev-Anheuser Busch
Country: USA
Beer Type: American Red Lager
2012 Rating: B
2011 Rating: n/a
Comments: Pretty good, for a house beer - beats Killians
ABV: n/a
Brewery: InBev-Anheuser Busch
Country: USA
Beer Type: American Red Lager
2012 Rating: B
2011 Rating: n/a
Comments: Pretty good, for a house beer - beats Killians
Wednesday, May 2, 2012
Fire Rock Pale Ale
Reviewed: May 2012
ABV: 6%
Brewery: Kona Brewing Co.
Country: USA
Beer Type: American Pale Ale
2012 Rating: B
2011 Rating: N/A
Comments: Pours a copper color with a 2 finger off white head, some lacing. Nice hop aroma. Starts with a roasted malt taste - ends with some nice hop bitterness. Smooth and well balanced.
ABV: 6%
Brewery: Kona Brewing Co.
Country: USA
Beer Type: American Pale Ale
2012 Rating: B
2011 Rating: N/A
Comments: Pours a copper color with a 2 finger off white head, some lacing. Nice hop aroma. Starts with a roasted malt taste - ends with some nice hop bitterness. Smooth and well balanced.
Dig Pale Ale
Reviewed: May 2012
ABV: 5.6%
Brewery: New Belgium Brewing Inc.
Country: USA
Beer Type: American Pale Ale
2012 Rating: B+
2011 Rating: N/A
Comments: Pours a clear copper color with a 2 finger white head, some lacing. Citrus hop aroma. Taste: starts with sweet malt, then a nice grapefruit hop and lemon finish. I DIG it.
ABV: 5.6%
Brewery: New Belgium Brewing Inc.
Country: USA
Beer Type: American Pale Ale
2012 Rating: B+
2011 Rating: N/A
Comments: Pours a clear copper color with a 2 finger white head, some lacing. Citrus hop aroma. Taste: starts with sweet malt, then a nice grapefruit hop and lemon finish. I DIG it.
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